The Top 5 Modern Methods to Get Online Quran Classes

The traditional methods of learning the Holy Quran included, studying from an Online Quran tutor who would come to you house. Moreover, another traditional way included going to the nearby Quran teaching institute to study the Holy Quran.

However, with the passage of time due to the advancement of technology, people have gradually shifted to the modern means of communication. The involvement in technology has led to people looking forward to study the Holy Quran at home on their laptop with the help of internet.

Before moving on to the way Muslims learn Quran these days, it is imperative that one realizes the importance of learning Quran. In Quran, Allah Almighty says:
“[This is] a Book revealed to you, [O Muhammad] – so let there not be in your breast distress therefrom – that you may warn thereby and as a reminder to the believers.” (7:2)

The need to take Online Quran Classes is a must as people need to be reminded about what is right and what is wrong. The Holy Quran is the book which is still available in its original form, no other Holy book is.

This book was sent to the mankind to remind us of Allahs teachings and principles. The Holy Quran is the only book present in the world which deals with all kinds of matters to remind us of the Day of Judgment.

It is the duty of us Muslims, to not only read the Holy Quran but also recite it and understand it. We are required to do a thorough study of our books which sent to us by Allah as a gift. It is a book which has no limit, the teachings of this book extend for all the mankind, and for all ages to come.

The Prophet () said, “Such a person as recites the Qur’an and masters it by heart, will be with the noble righteous scribes (in Heaven). And such a person exerts himself to learn the Qur’an by heart, and recites it with great difficulty, will have a double reward.

The Top 5 Modern Methods to Get Online Quran Classes are as followsOnline Quran Academy:

If you are looking forward to a Quran tutor to teach you online, they a very quick way can be through Online Quran Academies in Pakistan. Online Quran Academy provide several courses that are taught by several Online Quran tutors working under them. Online Quran Academy will help you in numerous way. They will help you by filling you up with several details that you need to know about Online Classes.

Moreover, online Quran academies can assist you in learning more about your tutor. They will provide you with all the relevant details that are linked with the Quran tutor Online.

All the information provided by the online Quran academy will be authentic. This information of the tutor, sent to you by the academy will not incorrect, which is why you will be able to trust the tutor and can work with the tutor easily.

Furthermore, by asking an online Quran academy to help you get in touch with a capable tutor for your Quran classes online, the academy will be responsible for most of the things. The terms and conditions will be highlighted to you by the academy which can help you know more about your online Quran classes.

 Look It Up:

It is one of the most modern method of finding the Online Quran Class. All you need to do is look it up on any search engine and you will get your result where several online tutors information, online Quran Academy, etc will pop up.

You are required to take your time and open all the relevant websites that can help you find the best Online Quran Tutor for your online Quran classes to help you read the Holy Quran.

Reading the Holy Quran is task which asks you to be responsible and give it all of your attention. Which is why it is suggested that you look up all the relevant academies and tutors and then take your decision.

Ask for Advice:

It is also recommended that you ask someone so that they are able to identify all the good academies and tutors for your online Quran classes. Asking someone, if a good thing to do, as it can help you in various ways. The person might be familiar with all the formalities and will guide you accordingly.

They might have studied or work with the tutor which is why they might be able to tell you a lot more than the tutor will be able to tell about himself.

Ways of Learning the Holy Quran:

Traditionally, from the time of our beloved Holy Prophet PBUH, the Holy Quran was taught by Muslims sitting around the Holy Prophet PBUH. He was the first teacher of the Holy Quran who was sent to us by Allah Almighty to spread Islam and its teachings and principles.

This is how the chain of the Quran learning started when Muslims would gather around the companions of Holy Prophet PBUH to learn Islam. The trend continued to mosques and Madrassas for the learning of the Holy Quran.
The femaleQuran teacher of the Holy Quran would be available in these Holy places where he would sit among his students and guide them concerning the Holy Quran on daily basis.

This method is equally carried out today as well, however, there are several other methods that have introduced to help Muslims learn the Holy Quran with accuracy and care.


Going to the Mosques to learn the Holy Quran is one of the most conventional method adopted by Muslims students. The mosques have been regarded as the Holy place since a long time to preach Islam.

Although there are many new modern ways that have been introduced over the years, Muslim parents still send their children to Mosques to learn Islam.

Going to the Mosque does not only teach them the Holy Quran, but also gives them the experience of being around in an Islamic environment. They learn how to pray and meet and greet their Islamic followers in a way asked by Allah.

Quranic Applications:

Nowadays, people have been looking for modern means to study Quran Online and keep Islam around them. By having Quranic Applications in their mobile phones, people are able to open them and use them at any time of the day when they are free.
If they are away from home and they do not have the Holy Quran with themselves, this Quranic application will help them recite verses and much more.

The use of Quranic Applications is a modern method of learning the Holy Quran. These applications help Muslims learn the Holy Quran without the need of an instructor. These applications have variety of features that are benefitting a numerous number of Muslim population.

Online Quran Classes:

This is another modern method of Quran learning where Online Quran Classes provide a one to one interaction between the student and the tutor. All the attention of the online Quran Tutor is given to the student. The student can easily access the tutor and inquire about learning hurdles and the ways to boost it.

The Online Quran tutors, with their linguistic efficiency, are better able to guide the students. Online Tutors make sure that they are able to comprehend the teacher. This way the student gets a better shot at learning quickly and in a better manner.

Read More: Find Best Online Quran Academy in Pakistan – Female Quran Teachers Online


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