Quran Memorization Online- Online Quran Academy – Female Quran Teacher

Online Quran Academy provides Quran Memorization Online Courses. Now you can learn the Holy Quran at home, online without even studying from several course books or other materials that are not very helpful. Free Female Quran Teacher Online, get free trial classes for the first week of signing up. We have best female Quran teacher online.

Male and female Quran tutors available for kids and adults. Online Quran Academy provides the opportunity to students, to decide whether they want to study from male tutors or female tutors. 

Moreover, Our Online Quran Academy provides best Female Quran Teacher. Female Quran reciters help in the recitation of the Holy Quran Online. Learning Quran online has been made easy, with the help of these many diverse courses which are available online. Learn the Holy Quran Online for free. Free trail classes for all the students who are interested and sign up today. 

The Holy Quran – Female Quran Teacher

The Holy Quran is the pious book that has been sent down to the mankind thousands of years ago. It is the book that has been helping and building our society. The Holy Quran is the book of guidance, it is the book that will never fail us. It will help us live a life as asked by Allah who is our Creator.

The Holy Quran is the book which helps us know how to deal with every day situation. There are many times that situations come in our lives which we don't have any answer to, the Holy Quran is the key to these problems.

In this way, studying the Holy Quran is a very important task since it is the Holy Book which is the treasure of all the Muslims. Reading and recitation of the Holy Quran is not enough. It is the book which has to be understood thoroughly, so we are able to know what the verses and ayats are trying to tell us.

A hafiz is the one who has memorized the Holy Quran by heart. The Holy Quran is in Arabic, which is the language not all of us can easily understand and speak. This is why, our Online Quran Academy has come up with the aid of facilitating you with this course where you can study the Holy Quran at home and know more about your religion.

The Qur’an - an Intercessor

The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, “Fasting and the Qur’an will intercede for the slave on the Day of Judgement. Fasting will say, ‘O My Lord! I prevented him from food and desires, so accept my intercession for him.’ And the Qur’an will say, ‘I prevented him from sleep during the night, so accept my intercession for him.’ ....thus they will intercede.”

The Objectives of Quran Memorization Online Course

·       Learn the basics of Arabic Grammar to be able to recite the Holy Quran properly.
·       Study the number of chapters and ayats the Holy Quran is divided in.
·       Memorize certain areas of the Holy Quran first so that the learner is able to memorize the parts that are easy and moves on to the harder parts later.
·       Revision. This is the most important part of this course where the reciters are revised with the content of the Holy Quran. Revision is quite important as it helps retain all that was learnt in the last class.

Learn the Holy Quran online at home with our extensive courses. Female and male tutors available for students both, adults and kids.

Online free classes in the first week where the tutors and students can develop a bond so that the classes are later a lot more interactive and productive. It is important for the students to know their tutor so that they do not hesitate in asking any question they want to.

Importance of Studying and Teaching the Qur’an

The importance of reading, reciting and understanding the Holy Quran is as mentioned above. Online Quran Academy is highlighting the importance of reading and memorizing the Holy Quran Online, we also provide free trial classes for kids and adults so that they get comfortable with us before starting their Online Classes with us.

The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, “This Qur’an is the Banquet of Allah. Learn as much as you can from His banquet. This Qur’an is the Rope of Allah, and it is the clear Light and [the effective and beneficial] Healing. It is a protection for the one who clings to it and a rescue for the one who follows it. It is not crooked and so puts things straight. It does not deviate so as to be blamed. Its wonders do not cease. It does not wear out with much repetition. So recite it for Allah will reward you for the recitation of every letter....” [Also Abdullah ibn Masud said, ‘This Qur’an is the Banquet of Allah. Whoever enters it is safe.’]


  1. Learn Quran is a humble effort to build online tuition community. online quran classes for kids has very good experience in Quran Tutoring and other Tuition services. Students from all over the world are learning the Holy Quran Online with us. We have best teachers to learn Quran online


  2. Learn Quran is a humble effort to build online tuition community. online quran classes for kidss has very good experience in Quran Tutoring and other Tuition services. Students from all over the world are learning the Holy Quran Online with us. We have best teachers to learn Quran online

  3. Online Shia Quran Academy providing Shia Quran Learning with Tajweed by understanding of complete Makharij and pronunciation. After doing Learn Quran with Tajweed Course your kids will be able to recite the Holy Quran with Makharij by quality of voice.

  4. Nice Post, Thanks For sharing.With our online platform, people will be able to Learn Quran Word By Word.
    Online Quran Teacher

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

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